Saturday, January 16, 2010

My First Official Blog Entry!

Hello people! Joshua here! This is my very first OFFICIAL blog entry.

Some of you might know, it is my sister’s 11th birthday today! My parents and I have been making many preparations for this day. This year, my sister decided not to have a birthday party so my parents decided to do something special for her and somehow, I got dragged into it.

When she woke up, I was asked to act normal,in my case, that means irritating her every second she is in my sight (which is something I would say I am exceptionally good at) and pretend that I have forgotten about her birthday. My sister noticed something was wrong as no one was wishing her a happy birthday. She tried hinting to my mum by saying,” Hey Mum, don’t you feel that today’s one of those special days?” Giving her a shrug and a puzzled look, she replied,” nope, why?” I could see the look of disbelieve on her face. I was about to burst into laughter and shout out,” fooled you!” On the other hand, i was wondering where Mum got her acting talent from. Her performance wasn't too shabby. My sister was thinking “How could parents forget their own daughter’s birthday!?” Well, it seems my parents could.

Anyway, when she left for tuition, she was quite angry that we had forgotten about her birthday. She kept giving us icy stares. I was starting to wonder if the surprise we were going to give her would cheer her up. When she was out of the house, we got busy. My mother went to collect the cake while I wrapped her presents. After class, while my sister was riding the lift up, she was sulking. Little did she know about the surprise that was awaiting her at home. The moment she opened the door, she was greeted by a joyous shout of, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” I shot some confetti right at her face and blew a horn so loud she almost fell backwards. “Oops,” I said with a sly grin,” didn’t know you were standing so close.” (But of course you know that I was planning to do that anyway) My sister was too thrilled to get angry at me. “I thought all of you had forgotten about my birthday!” she cried. I couldn’t help say,” I did until Mum reminded me about it.”

That night, we had dinner at a fancy restaurant, of which the name I could not even pronounce. Before going to bed, I remembered to send my sister a text message reading,” Happy Birthday Popia!” "Popia" is my nickname for my sister because her real name is Sophia and it rhymes with Popia...I know! Thank you. I'm so mature.

I guess that that concludes my first blog entry. Thanks for reading!

Joshua, signing out. Peace


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