Monday, January 25, 2010

Hey guys!

As expected, this is my fourth blog entry for the “English Blog Creation Project.” Today was the day that the VS badminton team would be playing against Anglican High in the first round. Even though I was a substitute, I was still very nervous for our team as Anglican had imported a few China badminton players. (Uh-oh) Some of you know that I have been playing badminton for 4 years so you must be asking yourself,” Why should Joshua feel nervous? He is quite experienced, and he is not even playing!” A badminton player is supposed to be confident and aggressive on the court, not nervous. Well, to explain all this, we will have to take a blast to the past.

Going back to the years of my primary school, I was too in badminton. However, compared to Victoria School which I would say is quite strong in badminton, my school on the other hand was on a totally different league. So different, that the words to describe how horrible the standard of badminton was in my primary school has not even been invented yet. Yes, it was that bad. Okay, maybe I am exaggerating a little too much. We were not THAT bad that we lost to every school we were faced with. We managed to beat a few schools. Anyway, before I go off-topic, since we were that bad, we did not have much chance to participate in competitions and hence, I am what I am today – inexperienced.

Back to the present. At least there were some ups to taking part in a competition; I got to leave class early! The whole canteen was just for the badminton team! There were no queues or nowhere to sit! After lunch, we got ready for the match. Just as we finished setting up the nets, the Anglican team arrived. Both of us we eager to win this match so as to kick off the competition with a good start. However, we knew that only one team could be the winner. We knew we could afford to lose this match, but we wanted to prove to ourselves that we could beat Anglican High.

LiHeng, my teammate was playing the first singles match. We wished him good luck as he stepped onto the court. He was up against a stronger opponent but he knew that he could beat him. It was a close fight but with sheer determination and strategy, he pulled through to win the first singles. Though we were elated, we knew that the fight wasn’t over till the fat lady sings. Next was the first doubles played by Eric and Dion, who were up against two giants. Eric and Dion kept attacking them, giving the opposing pair no chance to retaliate. They used the giants’ size against them and before we knew it, the game was over. Now it was all up to our second singles player, Lie Sen. Lie Sen made a few errors in the first set causing to lose the set. However, he knew that the fate of the team depended on him so, with renewed strength, he fought back and won the second set. He must have reached his limit as he was too tired to run for the shots that his opponent was giving him. Sadly, he lost the match. Lie Sen cast a weary glance to us as if to say sorry. Then, it was Gabriel’s and Wei Liang’s moment in the limelight. I would say Gabriel’s specialty is smashing because he can smash the moment his is given the chance, at almost anywhere in the court, and I believe that that is what brought them to victory. When they won the last point, we went WILD! We piled onto the court and started cheering like crazy! Even our coach was screaming hysterically. We congratulated the Anglican team on giving their best, but as the saying goes, “may the best team win,” so it was natural that we won.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this post.



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